A Russian Imperial Marriage On The Horizon: Rebecca Bettarini Converts to Russian Orthodoxy

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House

Between 11-13 July 2020, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and Rebecca Bettarini visited St. Petersburg. On 12 July, the feast day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the couple attended the Divine Liturgy in the Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral. The Liturgy was served by His Eminence Metropolitan Varsonofii of St. Petersburg, along with other clergy.

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich and Victoria Romanovna
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna 
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna 
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna 
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna
Victoria Romanovna with the Icon of the Holy Martyr Victoria of Rome, which was presented to Victoria Romanovna on her conversion.
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria Romanovna

Before the Liturgy began, Archpriest Alexander Tkachenko performed the rite of Chrismation for Rebecca Bettarini, the Director of the Russian Imperial Foundation, who in Holy Orthodoxy took the name Victoria Romanovna. Victoria has stated: “I was extremely moved during the ceremony. My sole regret was that neither the Grand Duchess nor my parents were able to fly to attend the ceremony due to the COVID-19 situation.

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia takes Holy Communion
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
Victoria Romanovna Bettarini takes Holy Communion
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House

Grand Duke George of Russia and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini then took Holy Communion. His Eminence Metropolitan Varsonofii afterward presented Victoria Romanovna an icon of her Heavenly patron, the Holy Martyr Victoria of Rome.

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini visit the New Mausoleum
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini visit the New Mausoleum
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
Thereafter, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, and those accompanying them went to the New Mausoleum at the Cathedral of Ss. Peter and Paul, where Archpriest Alexander Tkachenko and Protodeacon Andrei Levin served a Litiya, or commemorative service, for Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, and Grand Duke Alexander Vladimirovich (all of whom, except for the wife of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, are buried in the New Mausoleum).
Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini at the Church of St. Martin the Confessor

In preparation for being received into Holy Orthodoxy, Rebecca Bettarini received religious instruction under the direction of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America. This religious instruction took place in San Francisco, California. The day before their arrival in St. Petersburg, Grand Duke George and Rebecca Bettarini visited the Church of St. Martin the Confessor in Moscow, where her final session preparing her for Chrismation and Confession took place.

Victoria Romanovna Bettarini
Photograph Courtesy of Victoria

Victoria Romanovna (Rebecca Virginia) Bettarini is the daughter of His Excellency Roberto Bettarini (b.Taranto 5 May 1947) and Carla Virginia Cacciatore. Mr. Bettarini an Italian diplomat who has served as the Italian Ambassador to Zaire, Iraq, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Rebecca Bettarini attended the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli in Rome, where she received a bachelor’s degree in political science. She then went on to attain a master’s degree in development economics and international development from the Società Italiana Organizzazione Internazionale in Rome. Rebecca Bettarini serves as the Director of the Russian Imperial Foundation.

The Romanovs and Bettarinis in Moscow, March 2020.
In March 2020, Grand Duke George of Russia and Rebecca Bettarini attended services in Moscow to celebrate George’s thirty-ninth birthday. The pair were joined by their parents: Prince Franz Wilhelm (Michael Pavlovich) of Prussia with his second wife Princess Nadia and Mr. Roberto Bettarini and his wife Carla.

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini have been in a relationship for almost a decade. An engagement has not been announced.

May God Bless Victoria Romanovna!