Christmas and New Year Message from Grand Duchess Maria of Russia

2021-01-01 New Year’s and Christmas Greetings from the Head of the House of Romanoff

Dear Countrymen! Dear Friends,

I wish you all a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

The traditional greeting we give each on New Year’s for good health takes on a special meaning this year.

In the year that has just ended, the entire world was struck by disaster—the spread of the coronavirus, which has led to the untimely deaths of many people close and dear to us.

We will always remember them and offer our support and condolences to everyone who has lost family and friends.

We also know that even more lives were saved thanks to the selfless and tireless work of doctors, nurses, and volunteers.

To them we offer our deepest thanks and the solemn bow of our head.

During the coming holidays and throughout the next year, we should all exercise good judgment and take preventative measures to keep ourselves safe.

Now, as effective means of combating coronavirus are being developed and improved, it would be especially tragic to fall victim to this illness.

It would be like being killed by the last bullet at the end of a war.

Therefore, let us be rational and attentive to ourselves and to each other.

We must not lose faith in God’s mercy.

We must not allow decency in our interactions with others to be destroyed under the pretext of fighting the pandemic.

But we must also remember the words of Christ our Savior: “Do not tempt the Lord thy God.”

One’s attitude about the pandemic should be determined not by some or other ideology, but by the simple duty each of us has as a human being and as a citizen—by the sense of responsibility we have to ourselves and to others.

I and my son and heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, hope that you may all celebrate the New Year and Christmas in joy, confidence in your strength, and in the firm hope for a better future. I wish you all health and happiness in the coming year!

May the Lord protect Russia and all her sons and daughters around the world!

H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
Head of the Imperial House of Russia