Get Well Soon, Sir: The Condition of Prince Antônio of Orleans and Bragança is Improving!

Prince Dom Antônio of Orleans and Bragança
Photograph (c) Casa Imperial do Brasil

Almost two weeks ago, it was announced that Prince Dom Antônio, second in line to the headship of the Imperial House of Brazil, had contracted the novel coronavirus. Today his family has informed the public that Prince Antônio of Orleans and Bragança’s condition is no longer considered serious. The prince, who is still hospitalised, is awaiting a transfer from the ICU to another hospital unit.

Dom Antônio has been progressively improving since the beginning of this week. The prince is considered as part of the Covid-19 at-risk group, not only because he is over sixty-years old, but also due to the fact that he has a pre-existing history of pulmonary complications. Antônio was the only member of the Brazilian Imperial Family to be hospitalised due to the coronavirus.

Also diagnosed with COVID-19, Antônio’s brothers, Prince Francisco and Prince Alberto, as well as his sister-in-law, Princess Maritza, were able to be treated at home.

Late on the evening of Friday, 27 March, the Secretariet of the Imperial House released the following statement:


São Paulo, 27 March 2020 

Prince Don Antonio of Orleans and Bragança is still in treatment for the NOVEL coronavirus (Covid-19), assisted by his wife and son, Princess Dona Christine and Prince Dom Rafael. 

His Highness remains in Rio de Janeiro, where he is awaiting a transfer from the intensive care unit (ICU) to another room. 

We thank you for all your prayers to God, our Lord, and to the Blessed Virgin, for the full restoration of his health. 

The other members of the Imperial Family who have contracted the disease have been recovering at home, without the need for hospitalisation. 

More information will be released in due course.

Source: Coronavírus: estado de saúde do Príncipe Dom Antonio já não é mais grave