Mass at Les Invalides to Commemorate 200th Anniversary of Emperor Napoléon’s Death

The French Imperial Family.
Left to right: Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Prince Charles Bonaparte, the Princess and Prince Napoléon.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
Left to right: Prince Jérôme Napoléon, Princess Licia Napoléon, Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Prince Charles Bonaparte, Princess Maria del Pilar Murat, Prince Joachim Murat, Princess Olympia Napoléon, and Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon. 
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
The Prince and Princess Napoléon.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.

On Wednesday, 5 May, a mass took place at Les Invalides in Paris to commemorate the 200th anniversary since the death of Emperor Napoléon I of France in 1821. The French imperial family was out in full force; the Prince and Princess Napoléon attended the mass in addition to Jean-Christophe’s father Prince Charles Bonaparte, his mother Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, and his uncle and aunt Prince Jérôme and Princess Licia Napoléon. Prince Joachim Murat, 8th Prince Murat and 7th Principe di Pontecorvo, was present with his wife Princess Maria del Pilar Murat as well as his son and heir Prince Joachim Murat, Principe di Monte-Corvo, and his daughter-in-law Princess Yasmine Murat.

Prince Jean-Christophe and Princess Olympia Napoléon.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
Prince Charles Bonaparte and his son Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon.
Prince Jérôme and Princess Licia Napoléon.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
The Prince Napoléon and the Count of Paris.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
The Count and Countess of Paris also attended the service. Prince Jean d’Orléans, Count of Paris, and Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon are third cousins. They both descend from Prince Alfonso of the Two Sicilies, Count of Caserta, and Princess Maria Antonietta of the Two Sicilies, Countess of Caserta.

During the ceremony, the Prince Napoléon laid a wreath at the tomb of the Emperor in Les Invalides. Two other wreaths were sent by the Fondation Napoléon and the Souvenir Napoléonien.

Princess Maria Pia of Savoy.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
Princess Olympia Napoléon and Princess Béatrice of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.
The Count of Paris, Duchess Sophie of Württemberg, Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg, and the Countess of Paris.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.

Prince Jean and Princess Philomena d’Orléans, Count and Countess of Paris, represented the French royal family. Other guests included Prince Jean of Luxembourg and Diane de Guerre, Prince Guillaume and Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg, Princess Maria Pia of Savoy, and Duchess Sophie of Württemberg.

The Prince and Princess Napoléon meet President Macron and Madame Macron.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Christophe Petit Tesson.
The Prince and Princess Napoléon also welcomed President Emmanuel Macron and Madame Brigitte Macron to Les Invalides. The Napoléons and the Macrons visited the tomb of Napoléon I together. 

Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon in front of a statue of his ancestor Jérôme Napoléon, Prince de Montfort and King of Westphalia.
Jérôme was the youngest brother of Emperor Napoléon I.
Photograph (c) Getty Images / Luc Castel.