Sheltering-In-Place, Orthodox Royals Celebrate Pascha and Send Messages of Hope to Their Countrymen


This Sunday, 19 April, royal families who are members of the Eastern Orthodox faith celebrated Pascha. The hope held by Christian believers derived from the Resurrection of the Lord is extremely important and a source of solace and comfort, especially during a time such as this. A number of royals shared their wishes for a Blessed Easter on social media.


Prince Davit and Prince Giorgi of Georgia.
Photograph (c) Royal House of Georgia

On Facebook, Prince Davit of Georgia shared an image together with his son Prince Giorgi, the eventual heir of both the Bagration-Gruzinsky and Bagration-Mukhransky royal branches. In the background, one can see a picture of Davit’s great-grandfather Prince George, his grandfather Prince Irakli, and his father Prince Jorge. Davit is a first cousin once removed of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia, through her mother Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna, who was the aunt of Davit’s father.


Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece were joined by their children for Easter this year. His Royal Highness shared an image of the family together on Instagram.

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From their home in Bucharest, Prince Nicholas and Princess Alina-Maria of Romania shared an Easter message with fellow Romanians via YouTube. Out of respect for the guidelines of public health officials, the couple have self-quarantined since early March. 


Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia
Photograph (c) Russian Imperial House
From her home in Madrid, the Head of the Russian Imperial House send Paschal greetings to Russians at home and abroad. Grand Duchess Maria recently recovered from a mild case of the coronavirus. The statement from Her Imperial Highness was as follows:

The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and her son and heir, H.I.H. The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, extend their warmest greetings to their countrymen on the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, and thank all those who have sent them Paschal greetings. Their Imperial Highnesses are saddened deeply that the spread of the coronavirus has required government authorities to impose restrictions on laity attending the Divine Services, especially during Holy Week and Pascha. They urge all of the faithful flock of the Russian Orthodox Church to accept and understand the reasons for these measures, and, most importantly, to have confidence in the instructions issued by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the entire Hierarchy of the Church, who are guided in these decisions solely by concern for the flock entrusted to them by God. In former times, our ancestors had to live through even more deadly epidemics and resort to similarly harsh and difficult restrictions on their lives. But the holy ascetics of the Russian Land, its pious rulers, and other prominent leaders of our homeland taught us through word and example to avoid despair and fear, to remain calm and rational, to be mindful of our own needs and of those around us, and above all not to tempt the Lord, but to try in all things to fulfill His commandments, even in the circumstances we find ourselves in today, for all things happen according to His will. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia fervently pray that the Risen Lord, the Saviour Jesus Christ, will grant us strength of body and spirit, and will enable us to pass through these trials, preserving and multiplying our Faith, Hope, and Love. TRULY CHRIST IS RISEN!!



Prince Philip and Princess Danica of Serbia with their son Prince Stefan
Photograph (c) Princ Filip i Princeza Danica Karađorđević
From their residence in London, Prince Philip and Princess Danica celebrated the Resurrection of Our Lord along with their son Prince Stefan. Prince Philip released this message to Serbians via Facebook:

Although this year the greatest Christian holiday, the Resurrection of Christ, we celebrate in unnatural and difficult circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, I wish all Orthodox Christians to be filled with joy, love and hope, which paint this holiday over the holidays. 

Regardless of the circumstances, we will always celebrate the Resurrection of Christ as a holiday of hope, faith, love and joy. 

God’s grace and love are continually with us, and Christ’s Resurrection will always be that light towards which we will walk in gloomy times, faced with the greatest trials and tribulations, because He is our hope and our Savior. 

In these Easter days, more than ever we pray for the strength of our country and all its citizens, begging the Lord to protect and preserve all of us. 

Christ Is Risen!